Evaluate and improve your community’s resilience while shaping the Community Resilience Benchmark™ system.

ANCR™ is seeking communities interested in serving as an ANCR Pilot Community. Successful communities will receive consultant services from an ANCR Professional, recognition at a relevant conference and valuable insight into opportunities to advance their resilience. Interested communities should view the Request for Interest and complete the below form.

Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. Candidates will be notified within 30 days of their submission. 

Community Interest Form

Has the community appointed a Chief Resilience Officer, Chief Sustainability Officer or other staff member dedicated to resilience or sustainability matters?

Has the community participated in any other community-wide evaluation processes (e.g., LEED for Cities, ICLEI Stars, etc.)?

Will the submitter be the point of contact for engagement with ANCR?

Confirmation Section

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